WillsMalaysia – Will Writing and PoA Services

Is A Lawyer Necessary to write a Will?

A question that we may all be wondering is if a lawyer is necessary for the process of preparing a Will.

In Malaysia, you are entitled to prepare your own will without a lawyer and there is no legal requirement to use a lawyer to make a legal will. However, in some circumstances, seeking legal advice is a good idea when preparing your Last Will and Testament and especially if there are any complicated situations that may have legal ramifications in the future; a list of these situations are detailed on our website.

Lawyers may make preparing a Legal Will a hassle or seem complicated. We believe that in many circumstances there may be no requirement to pay for any haphazard legal advice that you don’t require. With provided interactive software available at WillsMalaysia it is not only possible but certainly within an individual’s capabilities to prepare, review, and execute their own Legal Will.

With provided interactive software available at WillsMalaysia it is not only possible but certainly within an individual's capabilities to prepare, review, and execute their own Legal Will.

Professional legal advice is definitely beneficial in many circumstances, and we often tell anticipated clients not to use our services. On our website we list the types of situations where we would advise individuals not to write their own Will. Here are a few:

  • If you are involved in a matrimonial dispute, or wish to disinherit your spouse or children.
  • If you have a history of mental illness, or the question of your mental capacity may be raised in objection to the statements in the Will.
  • If you own personal property or real estate in multiple countries.
  • If you are under the age of adulthood.
  • If you have complicated business investments (e.g. you are part owner of property or businesses where ownership may be challenged).
  • If you are about to be married and are preparing a Will in contemplation of that marriage.
  • If you have a large, complex estate and feel that you would benefit from some advice on estate planning and tax reduction.
  • If you have any litigation pending which involve large sums of money or where a prison term is possible.
  • If you think that somebody may challenge your Will in court or you have any other doubts about your situation.

If any of these situations applies to you, then don’t even think about trying to prepare your own Will; you need legal advice and you need a lawyer.

These situations all contain certain complications that professional legal advisors must sort through before you can try to prepare your own Will. However, if these situations do not apply then you can consider preparing your own Will. Visit WillsMalaysia.my and Try it for FREE today! 

3 thoughts on “Is A Lawyer Necessary to write a Will?”

  1. Interesting points on when you should actually get a lawyer. I guess for most of us, it’s pretty straightforward.

  2. I like how they’re honest about when to not use their service. Shows they care about getting it right, not just making money.

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