We received many emails on Wills and Power of Attorneys. This month we’d like to feature this email.
A member wrote “My executors and beneficiaries are located overseas. Hence for them to be assigned is impractical for now, what should I do?”
Congratulations in completing your will. Saving your will in MyDigiSafe is our recommended approach, however it is a digital copy. Upon your passing your executor will need to present the signed hardcopy will to the court in order to get a Grant of Probate. A softcopy or photocopy will not be accepted by the courts. Our advice to all is to create MyLastMessage to your loved ones including your Executor. Let them know where your hardcopy will is kept. Only then they can carry out your wishes.
But I understand in your case your executor and beneficiaries are overseas. The best option I can advise for you is to purchase our Will Custody service. Your will, will be kept safely by our lawyers office. You can see the option to purchase this service in your dashboard upon login to WillsMalaysia.my
We also represent our clients. Our lawyers can also be your executor. This way once someone notifies us of your passing, our lawyers will start the Probate process. No need for your executor to jump through all the legal hoops. There is a cost for this service and it depends on the complexity of your will.
That still leaves you with the issue of notification of your passing. Someone needs to notify our lawyers of your passing. Even if you want to use your own executor, someone would still need to notify them. That is where the KeyCard advantage comes in. While the card is a physical card, the email is not. Go to your dashboard then MyKeyCards Holders. First create a unique identifier for yourself. Here you can create a special identifier uniquely for you. You may also create identifiers for other people. These are people you trust, like family or close friends. You trust them enough to reveal your documents and messages upon your death. You may create as many KeyCard Holders you wish. It is also highly recommended you order a wallet card for yourself and your KeyCard Holders too. The wallet cards are temporarily suspended due to Covid-19.

Keeping a hardcopy of the will safe is crucial, never thought about that before.
the Will Custody service seems like a good idea for peace of mind
Having a lawyer as an executor could really simplify things, especially if family is abroad.
MyLastMessage sounds like a smart way to ensure your wishes are known.
KeyCard system is pretty innovative for making sure the right people get notified.