WillsMalaysia – Will Writing and PoA Services

Your Legacy of Love

I read a book lately titled “Your Legacy of Love” by Gemini Adams. There is a great deal of interesting information in this book which describes the importance of leaving an emotional legacy and not just focusing on the estate planning of your material goods. At WillsMalaysia our tagline says “Your Legacy, You Decide” but it does not mean your physical accumulation of wealth only. It encompasses the emotional legacy you have collected over your lifetime. The author started an online survey asking: What would you prefer if one of your parents died: to inherit their wealth or a letter saying how much they loved you? Over 90% expressed a wish for the loving letter. The book explains that:

“our real wealth lies not in our Financial Assets, but our Emotional Assets: the stories, lessons, values, image, voice and love that makes us who we are. By sharing these in a legacy of love, we can leave our children, partners, and grandchildren a precious gift they will treasure forever, and: – reduce the suffering for our survivors.”

Now you are asking – what does this have to do with me writing a Will? Most people procrastinate and come up with all kind of excuses

“I’m gone, so why should I care”


“It’s obvious who will get what, I don’t see why I need a Will”


“I still have time”

My brother was 49 when he went to bed one night and did not get up th enext morning. We all take time for granted. These are thoughtless attitudes. At a time when your family and loved ones will be struggling with your loss, the best gift you can give them from the beyond that can help them tremendously is by having a Will in place. The difference in having to administer an estate with, or without a Will is very, very different, night and day as we have explained in our previous articles. If you have a Will and have named an Executor (and guardian for your children), it can be a relatively straightforward business and your loved ones can receive their instructions and financial inheritance quickly and efficiently. If you don’t have a Will, you have probably left your family with a nightmare.

In your everyday life you would unlikely show this level of “tidak apa, don’t care” to anybody, certainly not for your family.

It’s the right thing to do. Do not leave your loved ones with a mess to sort out. Visit WillsMalaysia now and start for FREE. And once this is in place, spend some time thinking about your emotional legacy where you can use out FREE service called MyLastWish to record or email your loving thoughts and messages to anyone. The messages will only be sent when you have passed on.

9 thoughts on “Your Legacy of Love”

  1. The concept of an emotional legacy is so powerful. We often get caught up in the material aspects of what we leave behind, but this piece reminds us that the love and memories we share are just as important.

  2. This article has inspired me to think beyond the financial and consider what emotional messages I want to leave for my children. It’s not something I had considered before in the context of a will.

  3. The idea of using a service like MyLastWish to send messages posthumously is both heartwarming and innovative. It’s a beautiful way to keep a part of us alive for our loved ones.

  4. I’m moved by the survey mentioned in the article, where most people would prefer a letter of love over wealth. It really puts into perspective what’s truly valuable in life.

  5. It’s a sobering thought that we can’t take time for granted. This article is a gentle nudge to not only get our affairs in order but to also think about the emotional well-being of those we’ll leave behind.

  6. The personal story shared here is a stark reminder of the suddenness with which we can leave this world. It’s not just about having a will, but about the message and legacy we leave with it.

  7. The distinction between the ease of administering an estate with a will and the nightmare without one is clear. It’s a compelling argument for why we need to take action now.

  8. I’ve never thought about a will as a ‘gift’ to my loved ones, but this article has completely changed my perspective. It’s an act of love and consideration for their future.

  9. The call to action is strong here—not just to write a will, but to consider the emotional legacy we leave. It’s a profound reminder of the impact we can have even after we’re gone.

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